PETG, aluminum, brushless DC motor, arduino
Each sirens' pitch relationships being harmonically in tune gives the perception of the two sounds as being one, but when all three sirens are sounding, timbral and psychoacoustic patterns emerge from subtle changes in rotation speed and diffraction in space. The sound of the sirens creates a paradox - the timbre is extremely minimal, to the degree that it sounds synthetic, yet it is an acoustic sound sphaerically diffused in space, so it is also heard as natural
Each sirens' pitch relationships being harmonically in tune gives the perception of the two sounds as being one, but when all three sirens are sounding, timbral and psychoacoustic patterns emerge from subtle changes in rotation speed and diffraction in space. The sound of the sirens creates a paradox - the timbre is extremely minimal, to the degree that it sounds synthetic, yet it is an acoustic sound sphaerically diffused in space, so it is also heard as natural